A scenario that is facing by many families. A moment of desire and lust can cause unrecoverable damages to your love ones.
男孩和女孩从小就认识,男孩经常约女孩一起去村外的池塘边捉小虾,每次男孩总是满载而归,女孩却是两手空空,女孩总是失落的含着眼泪,独自一个人回到家,然后闷闷不乐。晚饭前,男孩敲响女孩家的门,女孩一见是男孩,扭头就走,男孩追上前,对女孩说:“对不起,我把你的虾都捉走了,给,我把它们养在小鱼缸里, 送给你。”女孩眉头一放, 慧心的笑了, 就这样反复着他们纯纯的童年, 转眼, 他们各自成长着。
A boy & a girl, were friends since childhood. They play together especially go prawning. Each time, the boy would have a fruitful return but the girl always go home empty handed. The boy would then go over to the girls house, and present her all his prawns and said " I'm sorry I scared your prawns away, I have kept them all in a fish bowl to give it to you." The girl return with a sweet smile. and since then this has been on going throughout their childhood.
——纯纯的“对不起”。Simple & Pure "I'm Sorry"

男孩经常偷偷的把女孩的自行车轮胎的气放到没有,然后躲在远处,看女孩着急的走投无路,等着女孩拨通他的手机,然后破口大骂他的小贼行为。可男孩, 依旧那么喜欢这样的女孩。他窃窃的从远处走来,灰溜溜的为女孩推着那辆没了气的自行车,任由女孩在一旁发牢骚,男孩却暗自窃喜,然后委屈的对女孩说:“对不起,我知道错了。”随即,女孩便会柔弱下来,告诉男孩下次不允许那样,男孩点头,于是,那时的他们每天都充满着笑容。
The boy loves to tease the girl, and every time she cried, he will be there to put the smile back on her face. The boy's mischievous behavior leads to angry but sweet feelings towards the girl. This make their times together every interesting and fun.
——“对不起”的快乐。A happily said "I'm Sorry"
大学毕业后,男孩和女孩各自有了工作,男孩的工作总是很忙,有时一个月都休息不到一次,而女孩总是抱怨男孩冷落了她,终于,他们有了第一次的吵架。女孩委屈的哭起来, 可男孩却很理直气壮的告诉女孩: “这是为了我的工作。”这场冷战持续了很久。终于,女孩还是忍不住,主动和男孩和好了。后来很多次男孩和女孩都因为这样的小事而吵得不可开交, 可每次, 都是女孩先妥协。
After graduation, both were busy with their own work and started to neglect each other. Each time they fight, the girl would be the one to patch things up.
On the bday that year, she was promised and unforgettable night. She dolled herself up and waited till dawn. The boy never showed up. She was heart broken and teared the pillow to sleep. When she woke up, the boy came to her, wiped off the tears on her face and said " I'm sorry, will you marry me?"
——“对不起”也是一种承诺。Sorry can also be a promise, a vow ...
After they were married, the boy is even more busy with career ; the girl has become a fulltime housewife. Taken up the responsibility to take care of the house. She would still o to the market to the prawn and put them into a fishbowl , just like how the boy gave to her when they were young. When asked, she would just return with a sweet smile.
慢慢的,男孩每次回家,身上总是充满了不同的香水味道,而每次没等女孩问,男孩总是忙着解释说应酬太多。女孩黯然, 那时起, 女孩不太爱说话了, 也不像以前那么开朗了, 她总是喜欢成天的呆在家里, 抱着枕头看韩剧, 然后随着剧情哭泣, 夜深时,就会疯狂的大哭。以后的日子里,男孩回来时,身上的香水味只有一种味道了,女孩从来不问,可是男孩依旧说:“对不起,今天又去应酬了。”
Slowly, each time the boy comes home, full of different scents. Before the girl could ask, he would defend by telling her he was busy entertaining with the clients. Since then, the girl is not as cheerful as before and stopped asking. She became very quiet, depressed and lonely. The days after, the boy came home with only ONE scent on him. She never asked, but he will always tell her " busy entertaining"
——“对不起”, 谎言的开始。Sorry - the start of lies
渐渐的,男孩开始不回家,或总是在外出差,男孩的事业越来越好,身边都是奉承的人,他每天都在别人的恭维下自豪的笑着,而女孩,几乎不出门了,她总会去超市买上很多方便面,和一些必要的日用品,然后把自己关在家里,这一呆就是很久。从前, 女孩会经常和男孩一起聊聊天, 而现在, 她孤身一人, 身边没有一个可以说话的人, 每次打电话问男孩什么时候回家, 男孩总是仓促的回答到: “对不起,我太忙了。”女孩, 失落的扣上电话, 那以后她再也没有问男孩什么时候会回家。
The boy then after has changed, coming home less, and were always working out state, career has become more successful. The girl on the other hand, hides herself at home all day, drenched and depressed. The girl used to talk to the boy about everything, and now she is all by herself. Everytime she asked the boy when is he coming home, all he could say is "I'm sorry I am too busy" She hung up with disappointment.
——“对不起”, 只是个敷衍的方式。Sorry - just for the sake of saying it
She learned to dress up and change, thinking that the boy is bored of looking at the same ol' girl for many years.
那天,女孩心血来潮,按照地址去了男孩工作的地方,那是女孩第一次去,也是唯一的一次。女孩涩涩的按下电梯, 来到这个男孩经常说忙的地方, 她细细的观察这个公司的每个角落, 这里的一切, 她都觉得很好看。终于,绕过长长的办公走廊,她来到男孩的办公室,轻轻的推开门……女孩愣住了,眼前看到的不是自己的丈夫,也不是那个经常弄坏她自行车的那个贼小子,更不是那个把虾放在小鱼缸里的男孩,而是一个正在和别的女人做爱的男人。那个女人坐在桌子上发出微弱的呻吟声, 那个男人, 仿佛山林里饿极了的野兽……
Out of the blue, the girl decided to pay the boy a visit at the office. It was her 1st and last time visiting him at his work place. Upon reaching his office, she admires the interior of the office. As she opens up the door, the was in shock! In front her eyes she sees the boy - not her husband; not the mischievous boy that teases her all the time; not even close to the boy who presents her the prawns during childhood days... It was a man, making love to another woman; a hungry breast unleashed from the woods.
许久,男孩才发现了女孩,男孩惊慌失措,忙把衣裤捡起来穿好。可女孩, 转身离开了。男孩飞奔出去,追着女孩,那晚,大雨袭击了整个城市。女孩不顾男孩的叫喊, 径直往前跑, 往回家的方向跑, 男孩在女孩后面大喊: “对不起, 我还是爱你的, 对不起, 我真的只爱你。”可女孩, 始终没有听见。
A mere second later only the boy realized the girl's existence. It was too late to chase up to her by the time he picked up his clothes. As he was chasing after her in the rain, calling her name and telling her how sorry he was, she ignored him.
——这样的“对不起”太伤人。This kinda sorry hurts badly!
男孩一直都没有找到女孩,女孩失踪很久了。男孩的世界已经一片黑暗, 无心工作, 无心花天酒地, 他想不到女孩可以去哪里, 因为女孩没有朋友, 她唯一的朋友就是男孩, 男孩终日守着电话机, 手机24小时不关机, 怕错过了女孩的电话。这一等就是半年多。
She left without a sign nor anything. One day, came a delivery for the boy - a letter from the girl.
“ 我始终没有勇气再见到你,可能是我太懦弱,也或许是我根本不想见到你,应该过的没什么两样吧,我很好,我学会了离开你怎么让自己存活,我懂得了怎样赚钱养活自己,而不用每天等着你回家,为你烧一桌热腾腾的饭菜,直到凉了也不见你的人,我的手机已经不用了,因为我已经不会再为你24小时的不关机,让自己饱受辐射的折磨。我懂得怎样去爱惜自己,珍惜自己的本来应该美好的生活。我想, 我是可以忘记怎么去爱你的, 因为你把我的爱弄得遍地麟伤。
”I have no courage to face you, maybe I'm just a failure, or I just dont want to see you. Doesnt make a difference anyway. I'm doing fine, I have learned to take care of myself, to live my life; I dont have to wait for you all day and night just to come home to cold dishes which is suppose to serve hot to you. I stopped using my mobile phone, I dont have to be on standby 24hr just to get myself into the danger of radiation. I have learned to love myself, love my life. I can make myself to forget to you, because you have took my love for granted.
The divorce letter is attached, return to the address given below when you have signed.
I'm sorry, I think I really am exhausted"
The boy followed the address given, hoping to see the girl and asked for forgiveness, to tell her that he cant live without her. The one greeted the door was the girl's father, and behind him at the yard was the girl's body.
The father told the boy. " She ended her life after she wrote this letter to you"
——原来“对不起”也可以是种结束。Sorry could also mean the end of everything.
That year, the boy went crazy.
In every one's life, we will meet some one we love & cherish. Please learn to love and cherish them, Its ok to say sorry, but not all the sorry is return with "its Ok"
Dont let the person who love you down, dont disappoint them. Its not good to either one.
Please pass the word on, let ppl know - Dont simply say you're sorry, say it and mean it